Game decks include 24 cards ranging from 1 to 8 Essence cost in the following proportions:
5 one-cost cards
4 two-cost cards
4 three-cost cards
3 four-cost cards
3 five-cost cards
2 six-cost cards
2 seven-cost cards
1 eight-cost card
Each deck has its own play style and a strategy that involves combining certain mechanics and abilities. Some decks contain multiple copies of the same card or thematic ability. There are a small number of abilities that are repeated in every deck.
Samurai of the Sengoku is a Low Complexity deck that relies on Discarding cards to both build Might and surprise your Opponent with free Deployments to the Battlefield.
Defenders of the Bastion is a Medium Complexity deck that relies on Returning your cards to gain Might, gain Essence, and Deploy cards onto Battlefields multiple times.
Spectres of the Necropolis is a High Complexity deck that relies on Destroying your own cards and building a Destroy pile. Some cards gain Might as they Destroy, while others become more powerful the more you Destroy.
Calvalry of the Parthian Empire is a Medium Complexity deck that relies on Resolving your Horse Archer abilities multiple times by Moving and Returning them to Deploy again.
Vampires of the Evernight is a Low Complexity deck that relies on placing humans within easy Battlefield reach of thirsty Vampires who grow in Might by Biting them each Round.
Legends of the Parthenon is a High Complexity deck that relies on Moving cards to build Might on a Battlefield. Certain cards gain Might when they Move between Battlefields, and other cards gain Might when cards Move to their Battlefield. Others cause cards to Move in various ways.
Knights of the Round Table is a Medium Complexity deck that relies on creating camaraderie by grouping your Knights on the Battlefield and pairing certain cards with them.
Vikings of Valhalla is a High Complexity deck that relies on a combination of Moving cards to perform Viking Raids and enhancing your Vikings with Wolf and Bear spirits.